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Shield Daily Devotional  

Day 16

Are you struggling to be blessed? Do you not feel worthy enough to have the blessing of God on your life? Well guess what? You aren't worthy enough and you in your own righteousness will never be good enough to earn the blessing of God. That is the exact point; you must quit trying to earn God's blessing. You are simply to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that you are blessed in Him.
Romans 10:9-10 instructs the reader to believe in your heart the resurrection and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and if you do so, you will be "saved." The word saved here is the Greek word sozo and means deliverance, protection, health, and well-being (sounds like the blessing doesn't it). The stem of the word means "to be roomy." God wants to take you to a roomy place (this means a place that is full of abundance and deliverance). Great you say, how do I get there? You get there by loving His Commandments (His Word) and obeying them to the fullest.
What are His Commandments? We are to love Him and our neighbor. Sounds simple doesn't it; the road to activate the blessing is the walkway of love. Today, tell the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit that you love them with all of your heart (make the confession even if you don't "feel it") and show God's love to one of His children today. You will find the blessing beginning to over take you. He guarantees it not me.
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