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Shield Daily Devotional  

Day 127

We have been looking at the conditions of being filled with the Holy Spirit. There are many voices in the world and we want to make sure that the voice we hear is God's voice. The Bible tells us God's voice. How do you know that you are filled with the Holy Spirit? Some would tell you that you know because you have received some special gift. However, the Word tells us that we know because of an inner witness based on the Word of God.

Romans 8:16 says: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God...." The British Family Bible explains this verse as: "This testimony with our spirits is the sanctification of them, the subjecting of our wills and affections to his influences, acting upon us by the mediation of our own thoughts, yet discoverable to be from Him, by their opposition to our natural corruption. It is by the sanctifying grace of this Spirit dwelling in us that we are enabled to "mortify the deeds of the body:" they that do so are "led by him:" and as many as are so led have thereby a testimony that they are the children of God. Our wills and affections had contracted by their corruption and enmity against God, and a love of the world and vanity: the Holy Ghost unbends this perverseness, and directs them towards heaven."

The reason that you test your walk by the inner witness (remember that the a true inner witness leads to Godly external action) is because using gifts as the measure can deceive you. Once certain gifts are given they become part of your mental make up and they can be exercised while in sin. Nothing that could be done while in sin is evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Instead of looking for an external sign, look for the inner witness that you know that you love Him completely and He loves you completely. When nothing stands between you and God, you may expect upon the authority of God's Word to be filled and to stay filled with the Holy Spirit upon your asking in faith. Are you running over to day with God? I trust that you are so full of the Holy Spirit that everywhere you go you spill Him on to those you meet and every situation you encounter!
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