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Shield Daily Devotional  

Day 105

Psalm 121:1-2 says: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." This verse gives clear direction where to look and to whom to look. It is not difficult to know what to do; the difficulty lies in its operation. When you need help where do you turn? I am reminded of the illustration of the Christian being told that there was nothing the doctor could do and all there was to do was pray. She exclaimed, "Oh no, has it come to that?"

The Word and pray should be our first line of defense when we need help. Spurgeon's Treasury of David says of these verses: "What we need is help, -- help powerful, efficient, constant: we need a very present help in trouble. What a mercy that we have it in our God. Our hope is in Jehovah, for our help comes from him. Help is on the road, and will not fail to reach us in due time, for he who sends it to us was never known to be too late." Ponder that last thought, that help is never late.

While the help from God may seem to us to be late from God's perspective He is right on time. The difference is perspective. He sees all and knows what is going to occur throughout time. Our vantage point is finite and we don't know the future concerning us. The key is that when we find ourselves in the gap between our looking to God for help and the manifestation of that help in our lives, we are to simply keep looking to Him, keep in the Word and keep praying. Our part is actually the easiest; we simply look. The more difficult part is God's; He brings the help! Today keep your eyes looking upward (spiritually) and know that God is never late with the help.

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